Bombers / Heavy Hitters Group Build Guidelines.

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I know we are part way in but please can I join in with a Revell 1/48th B17F Memphis Belle? It only has a bit of interior green started, if there are any objections to that I will either use the Airfix Halifax B.III or see what I can pick up tommorow at the RAF Musuem Cosford
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If started kits are allowed: I'd like to enter with a trashed Hampden which will be completely made over and modified to TB.Mk.I status - that okay?

Also considering an Hs 123B-1, Hungarian Fw 190F-8, and/ or Wellington MK.III...
You Know Guys most group builds have some kind of prize to hand out?? I would like too offer up one of my unbuilt kits to the overall winner.I already have a postal box that will handle up too a decent size 1/48 kit I would just need the address email and ship out.I will have to look through the stash to find that kit I could cut loose of or one with many replicas.Cheers Kevin
on second thoughts I will update my entry model tommorow on my return from Cosford Museum as more of B17 was started then I thought

What a nice gesture. Although with all the talk of postal strikes in these posts, I wonder if you'd ever be able to follow through!
A very nice gesture Kevin, but bear in mind there is a winner form each category in theory, the other placing being the members choice, which includes all models entered, the judges' too.I put up prizes for the first GB, where fortunately there was only an overall single winner at that stage. the GB's have since developed rto be a little more fair on placings etc.
As for entering models already commenced, up to this GB, by arrangement with the judges, this might be allowed if the work done to date is absolutely minimal. As this is the fourth Group Build, there has been plenty of time for members to become accustomed to the rules, and the schedule of builds has been available for some time, so a little personal planning should allow members to enter a suitable model or models specifically set aside for the GB.
I have decided to enter with completly unstarted Revell 1/48 De Haviland Mosquito B.IV at begginer level if thats ok?
That's fine Lanc, and I look forward to it. I might even join you with a Mossie, as the Ventura kit I was going to do turned out to be 1/72nd scale! Very nice kit, the new Revell, can we persuade them to do it, and the FBVI, in 1/32nd scale?!!
Ok, Hampden out. For the record though, it would have been non-competitive, and a total rebuild and conversion - but I see your point Terry.

DB II - what's the problem? Funny I'm always one of the first to accept someone else's ideas, but get no quarter in return...
Sorry Evan, I missed your post and I think we got our lines crossed! Given the Hampden is more or less a fresh start, then no problem, especially as it's going to be a complete rebuild and conversion in one. If you want to enter it, but want it 'non competitive', just add a note to that effect in the entry details if you wouldn't mind. Look forward to seeing the others on the list too mate!
No problems here A4K. I have a couple of models that I have started and not finished. I have noticed that others have also started projects and never completed it. I was thinking maybe a group build for those unfinished birds, just a passing thought.

DBII - apologies then mate - my misunderstanding. (Had flashbacks from the abortive 'Defence of the Reich' GB...)

Daniel - yep, I'd like to do a No.489 (NZ) sqn.TB.Mk.I (conversion of Airfix B.Mk.I) if I can.

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