**** DONE: 1/48 Consolidated PBY-5 Catalina Commonwealth GB.

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I think the Blue Tongue Lizard was posing so that Vic could make sure the lizard in his diorama has the correct colour scheme.
Thanks for your comments guys, very much appreciated and my thanks to all you other folk who pop in from time to time for a look.

Haven't seen Heir Blue Tongue again the RLM Colours I gave him (you were spot on T) must be working but I know he is around as I've noted a vast reduction in the snail population and little piles of empty shell about the garden. So I must have trained him well for like my work station, he's a tidy little critter..................

So to the big Cat bird. She is almost done, added a few of the trinkets today, did a bit of final touch-up and rigged the aerials wires. Tomorrow we hope to give it a final overcoat spray, add the final bits, like blister guns and blisters, the remaining clear plastic bits and the props and remove all the Maskol. Also did a test run with the lighting today and I'm delighted to report they all worked. So for a taster, her are a few more shots taken this afternoon.......................Enjoy.


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Thanks for the compliments guys, appreciated.

So the big bird is done and now it's all hands on deck to get the diorama sorted. With such a big plane, it's got to be a big display so lots of work.
That is some beautiful work Vic and once you get that Dio going and all it will be sharp Sir!Cheers
Thank you all, gentlemen every one of you, I'm truly flattered particularly as it's been great fun for me.

So today as with all flying boats the crews need transport out to the moored machine. With us being a nation in the backwaters so to speak, our guys would have been told 'you have arms, so row'. But I took pity on our poor Diggers and decided to motorise one of the rowboats..............


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