**** DONE: 1/48 P-40N RAAF - Aircraft in Foreign Service WWII

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Aw schucks guys.......

As I said, seat is painted, just waiting to get up the nurve to do a wash!

I dry fit the nose and glued up the front to the innerds. I want to be able to fill the intake insides to the nose fairings to smooth the intacke area. Like it should be.

I thinned the trailing edge of the radiator exhaust baffles.

Smoothing the leading edge of the wings and fairings at the landing gear......

I sailor on.


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Not sure if this works with thinned oil paints Bill, but I gloss coat the surface I want to wash with Future. When it's dry, I use the finest brush and then run one of Warhammer's Acrylic Washes or my home-made tempera wash around the edges. The Future really makes the wash flow and I rarely have to clean up. When dry, flat coat that sucker.

And the air intake front has been filled and smoothed to blend in with the front sheet metal.

Mucking around with the gear legs now, little niggely things first.


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And now back from a couple days R&R with my sweetheart................ done a coup[le of little things.

Skimmed off the little plates at the front of the canopy track on the fusey, just thought they looked dorkey all filled in at the backside. After shaving them off I hoigged out the track and chaped a couple of pieces of styrene bar to put in their place, filed them down and made three little dimples like rivets in each.

Drilled a couple of little holes in the top of the wing, gear up indicator pins! I'll have to shim the wing gaps with some styrene. I'll do it from the wing side as there will be the wingwalk black on that part.

I have painted the gear legs and wheels. When I get the fusey all glued up I'll fit the wheels to the legs so I can put brake lines in. But I gotta remember to put the Pit in before the wings!!!! The Pit fits in from underneath!


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