**** DONE: 1/48 P-47D Razorback - Aircraft in Foreign Service WWII

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Ya know, George, sometimes I just take a dart out and chuck it at the wall and see what it says......
I shall persevere(When I get back from camp). If nothing else turns up, at least I found out my aircraft's U.S s/n was 42-21623 and that it was S.O.C. on Mar.14/46. I also found out that the kit had the wrong propeller for this aircraft but all is not lost, I had the wrong propeller on my P-47M so a quick swap and Buddy's your uncle. Camp bus leaves in 4 hrs so that's it for modelin'. If I don't get internet in camp this week, I wish everyone "HAPPY HOLIDAYS" and have a good rest of your week gentlemen.

Yep, have a good Christmas George, even if at camp.
The propellor thing is a pain, and I'm surprised that no one seems to make alternative, resin items for the three types used. Makes things awkward at times.
Opened up the air intake and gun camera port after viewing Terry's(Airframes) build and painted the fuselage band. Should be able to start painting on the morrow.


Good stuff George. Looks like the starboard wing root needs a bit of filler. I used PVA on part of mine, with a thin bead of CA on the worst bit. Quick and easy and, if any gap still shows after either primer or main coat, it can be tackled with another dab of PVA and then re-touched if required.
Thanks for looking gents. Filled in the wingroot and filed that nasty looking step by the inner gun tube. On a slight hiatus here looking for paint diagrams. As the diagram for the decals only show the port side of both camouflaged aircraft and only a top-side view of the Thunderbolt II I'm at a quandary of how the starboard and top-side camo should look. .


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These might help George. OK, it's the Dark Green/Dark Earth, but the pattern was the same, and on both 'razorback' and 'bubble top'.


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    Can Jan 791.jpg
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Those will do nicely, thanks Terry. The only problem being, on my aircraft, the green doesn't go through the entire aircraft as seen on most aircraft. I'll just move everything forward a tad.

Not the best source of reference (or particularly good photos), but it looks right, and the modeller obviously had some reference source for the colour scheme.


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    Cosfd Model 2013 031.jpg
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  • Cosfd Model 2013 036.jpg
    Cosfd Model 2013 036.jpg
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