**** DONE: 1/48 Tamiya Heinkel He-219 WNr 290123 of 1/NJG 1 Nightfighter GB

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Thanks to all of you.

I've been progressing all of the little loose ends and am getting very close. Here are some update shots:

First up, we have the installation of the SN-2 arrays. I scatched my head a bit on how to get these at the right angle so I came up with the jig shown in the below pic. First, I propped up the main gear so the plane was perfectly horizontal rather than sitting slightly tail down. Then, starting with the rightmost array, I adjusted the set square side to side and placed the paper clip so the array was straight forward and level. Once satisfied, I dabbed a spot of CA glue at the joint.

The process continued to the left until all the antennae were on (pic below). This picture was taken after having busted two of these off and reglued them already. It's a prickley piece of work to be sure and I don't have much faith that this will be the last time these break off! Also seen in this shot is the gunsight through the glazing. The sight glass was cut off and replaced with a thin piece of clear plastic from some packaging. Theres a bit of touch up to do yet on the glazing frame.

Next we have a scratch built D/F loop. These are invariably supplied too thick in 1/48 kits so I made my own by wrapping a thin strip of foil from a wine bottle around a paint brush handle.

Next up is the suppressed D/F antenna which fit nice but was a pain to paint. PE would have been nice here.

More antennae! This time it's one of the two FuG101 radio altimeter antennae. Also seen in this pic is the mass balance and trim actuator, seen better in the photo that follows. The trim tab actuator is made from sprue.

Next we have some more detail added in the wheel well. Now that the main gear was secured, the black hydraulic lines to the cylinders were added.

Finally, the flame arrestors were added after having rusted them up a bit with chalk pastels. A bit of drybrushing with silver brought out the grille details on the front. Some paint wear has been added with silver pencil. I also just noticed that I forgot to paint the wing root cannon!

Thanks to Terry for adding a couple of days as I really could use them. Left to do:

Re-attach rear radar antenna mount that broke off and which, per Erich's pointer, should be there,
Finish the radio antenna wires
Finish canopy - there's a sight for the s/m cannons that I need to add as well.
Some final wheel well additions
Touch up paint
Re-attach more SN-2 which I will no doubt break off again before I'm done!
Thanks everyone. Small update now. Fabricated a new rear radar mount which broke off during the build using wire, sprue and a dab of clear glue on the end for the cap. I hadn't planned on putting it back until Erich pointed out it was there.

Will give it a coat of paint tomorrow.


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