Benevolens Magister
The switches / buttons look fairly small, but can still be reasonably replicated. The way i did them for the MiG 21 and Buchon, was to build-up the panel using plastic card, and then drill the line of holes, or, if too small for a drill, use a pin or knife point to create a tiny hole or depression. The hard part is keeping the line straight!
Once that's done, insert pieces of very fine stretched sprue, glued in with poly cement if it'll do it without melting the thin sprue, or a pin prick of CA. Only fit a few at a time, so that these can be trimmed equally, using nail clippers, then continue the line, trimming the next batch once set, and so on, that way, they can all be cut to an equal length - ish !
If this doesn't work, and it should, then do the holes and, using a pin or needle, place a teeny weeny drop of PVA into each hole, pulling back to extrude the PVA, which, when dry, will shrink back slightly and create a small 'blob', which should look acceptable once painted.
Once that's done, insert pieces of very fine stretched sprue, glued in with poly cement if it'll do it without melting the thin sprue, or a pin prick of CA. Only fit a few at a time, so that these can be trimmed equally, using nail clippers, then continue the line, trimming the next batch once set, and so on, that way, they can all be cut to an equal length - ish !
If this doesn't work, and it should, then do the holes and, using a pin or needle, place a teeny weeny drop of PVA into each hole, pulling back to extrude the PVA, which, when dry, will shrink back slightly and create a small 'blob', which should look acceptable once painted.