***DONE: Bell p-39N Airacobra 42-18393 "Millie" 350th FG 346th FS Group Build

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Looking really nice Peter. There's something about the 'cobra, and the early Typhoon I like, must be the 'car door I think!
Normally, for props without locating pins, I set the pitch by gluing a small 'wedge' or a pin of plastic on the hub or back-plate, and cement the blade root against this, setting the pitch 'by eye'. It normally works, the 'wedge' holding the root at the desired angle.
Thanks DBII, Rochie

A small update today. I have got everything glued together. This Eduard kit fits pretty well, but there are some obvious issues with the thickness of the trailing edge of wings and rudder. You have to have to be a little careful to get everything just so. It's no Tamiya, but okay. I'll thin down the wings and rudder a bit while I'm sorting out the seams. Still mucking around with the cockpit PE with a couple of very small pieces to add plus the gun sight. Rechecked the doors and they fit great.

This is the less interesting stage of sanding, checking, polishing. Can't wait to be finished and on to the painting.

Cheers for now.



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Looking great Peter. It's just occured to me, with the design of the doors, and the position of the exhausts, I wionder how many pilot's burned their hands or whatever when climbing out feeling tired?!!
Not sure Terry. Most would be wearing gloves, but yes caution required - definitely! Pity the poor crew chief who had to work on these kites in North African Sun. I can literally cook an egg on the bonnet of my car here in OZ during summer, imagine what sorting these things out would do under the Sahara Sun. No fun. Rearming and refueling would also require a climb past the exhaust.

Here a pic from Keith Vizcarra's web blog showing 346th machines out in the sun. Any excuse for a cool pic right? Spot the odd one out - no hints!


Okay the Answer:

There is in this P-39 line up a Hurricane in the middle. This is the 346th lineup. From Hugh Dow (350th Pilot): The third Hurricane is in the 346th Squadron line up at Reghaia, outside Algiers, in Algeria, taken in the late summer or 43 by Captain Charles Fowles, 346 Sq Ops Officer. As such, It is the same aircraft at an earlier date, that appears in the photo below after it had been repainted Army OD.


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