***DONE: Hurricane Mk IIC of No. 351 (Yugoslav) Sqn RAF, Lybia 1944 Group Build

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Thanks for your comments guys. Continuing the work... Here are two more photos. I'm satisfied as the main parts of the airframe fitted rather nicely and not much (if any) putty will by needed...


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Thanks guys for your kind comments...

Well, after a long time I finally managed to do some more work on the Hurricane and here are some new progress pictures. As you can see there's still much work required on this model. I must admit that this build is not progressing as I originally planned, but hopefully I'll be able to finish it until the deadline by the end of November.

Word or two on the paint job. It's done by a hand brush and separation between colors on upper surfaces I've done by free hand trying to be as accurate as I could about it. Regarding the colors, I'm not sure what to think about it. I used precisely the colors according to the color guide I've got with the aftermarket decals - Dark Earth (Humbrol 118 ) and Mid Stone (Humbrol 84) for upper surfaces and Azure Blue (Humbrol 157) for under surfaces. I made effort to obtain this precise colors at the hobby shop because I didn't want to mix colors and thus get wrong shade of color by mistake. However, looking at my Hurricane model this just doesn't look like some other models with RAF desert camouflage scheme I've seen around. Don't know is it just my imagination or what...?


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I agree with Alex...looking great.

Concerning these colours. First of all, your model is of 1/72 scale isn't it? It means that you should have added some white paint to all of them in order to make them of brighter tonalities. Secondly the Humbrol enamels for RAF desert camo should be :
Dark ( Brown) Earth FS30118 - Humbrol 29, Mid Stone FS30266 - Humbrol 84, Azure Blue FS35231 - Humbrol 89 + Humbrol 157 ( mix ratio 2:1). Just for the future Igor.

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