DONE: SBD-3 Dauntless "White 5", Swede Vejtasa, USS Yorktown CV-5, 1942, Group Build

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I thought so too old boy! But Dan boy says it's the 'White 5' I'm just as confused as you now. :lol:

Yeah I do recall that....the Dogfights show in which 'Swede' was featured showed a large White 5 forward of the fuselage insignia....

more than one source has quoted Black 10....

Gives you the sh!ts..don't it! I'm sure Dan will chip in real soon and give us the I'm sure he had a connection with 'Swede'.

Just found this note from a search.

"He commented about the dogfights episode, which he said was completely accurate.... He loved it.... He said, "For once, those Hollywood types got it right..."

SO "White 5' it must be...
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Battle 360 on at the moment, Battle of Santa Cruz....guess who is on the show....talking of his fighting against the Japanese attack of Enterprise and Hornet in his Wildcat, none other than....'Swede' Vejtasa!:D

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