Ideas For The Next Group Builds....

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Agressors.....some cool camouflages there!
A/SA/FA....Afrikan, South American and Far East airforces, should be some interesting camouflages there too!

Still trying to come up with more...:lol:
My two cents on group builds and my option only but maybe its time to expand. Have two different group builds at the same time. Two different threads and such. Some of you build multiple models from the same era. Others skip that era because it does not interest you. Modern planes and tanks dont interst me that much but others are very intersted.

1st group build. combined for each build armor and aircraft and even ships for WWII
Africa and MTO

2nd group build combined for each build armor and aircraft and even ships.
Gulf war

Judges can be the same or new ones added depending on how the judges feel on topic. Modelers can particpate in both at same time and such.

Just some thoughts guys, I just help research them and I dont build them but to me it will be easier to maintain as each build seems to get bigger and bigger.

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Alright, Im startin up the Poll now, some great ideas to work with.... Doin more split Builds might be a nice idea, but lets see how they first one goes off before we plan out the future Builds...

Paul, we dont really wanna get it too complicated.... Judging is tough as it is, and since we dont get more than 15 models completed, usually, getting it spread too thin would kinda damper the spirit of it all...

Plus, the way it is now, it kinda gets people into things they normally wouldnt do, which spawns creativity...
My two cents on group builds... Thoughts????

Good idea Paul, it would provide more variety in the builds, I just wonder if it wouldn't be too big a job for the judges? I don't know how they find the time as it is!

Late reply re the 'favourites' build (sorry!), especially as both since posted as seperate subjects, but yep, Dan, Harry and Corey, just aircraft is fine by me...Think the era should remain open though or it will defeat the purpose, as Corey said.

No biggie Dan, it was just another hair brain idea I came up with though I still would love a squadron history link added to the technical section

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