Rocketeer's Spit V

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yes, i suppose it shows!!! used a engraving bit to do the words....quite fun and not too bad!!!

Actually, no. It is very impressive!! I tried freehand painting a couple of things and the result was just sad...but then I can't even draw a "stick man" in proportion.

I may have to get an engraving attachment for my dremel and give engraving a go!

cheers mate, looking good.
Mate, that looks the biz !

And that handle was made from those off-cuts of perpex you showed me Sunday ?....
Hi Guys,
I'm new to the forum and I am truly inspired by what you are doing here. I would love to build a 1:1 SpitPit and want to get some quality dimensioned engineering blueprints to start the planning. My aim is to make it as authentic looking as possible.

I have come across these two sites
Spitfire Technical Drawings

both say they have quality scans of the original factory blueprints. I find there is a vast difference in the price of their comprehensive sets GBP40.00 for the first and US$1500.00 for the latter.

Has anyone seen the drawings from either of these suppliers, what has one got that the other doesn't?
maybe you can offer some feedback on the quality and the reason for the huge price difference?
or maybe you could suggest of some alternatives I have not come across yet?

Thanks in advance
Great White Spit IX
A 4th Spitfire?! I might have to get together with Gary to form the United USAAF 1:1 Fighter Cockpit Association and file a protest!!!

Welcome aboard Great White Spit!
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Thanks for the welcome guys

Check your sanity at the front door.This aint gunna be pretty

Duly noted and thanks very much for the offer of help and you too Rocketeer, I hope I can return in kind someway.

A 4th Spitfire?! I might have to get together with Gary to form the United USAAF 1:1 Fighter Cockpit Association and file a protest!!!

Welcome aboard Great White Spit!

Hey T-bolt,
Don't despair too much or put too much faith in me too early. I am not so sure I can pull together the skills to get this baby off the ground. I have good skills in woodwork but apart from a tin pencil case I made in high school, metal work is a bit of a mystery to me, at this moment anyway.
I also live in a flat at this time but working on changing that. I haven't run it past the wife yet on how she might feel about a WW2 replica fuselage in the living room. I'm thinking she wont warm to the idea much.

but if you don't start you wont finish right - A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step

T-Bolt I just had a thought "4 Spits" you say if we can ring in two more crazys we have a flight, that's halfway to a squadron. The first squadron is always the hardest

Thanks again for the welcome, I look forward to seeing your projects progress
i bought proper hole cutters and flangers.....the cutters work out around £10 each and the flangers...£30 ish depending on size, much quicker than chain drilling and filing!

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