What Cheered You Up Today?

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Nice job RA.

Welcome back Matt.

For the first time this summer thanks for the wonderful weather we have been having of late. I went to one of the local rivers with some of my friends to go cliff jumping (Cliff Jumping - a set on Flickr). The water was a lot warmer than I expected which was great, still wore my wet suit though. Also was glad to see I could continue from where I left of last year (diving from 8m/28ft).
While volunteering this weekend at the Hamlet Historical Depot, I had the pleasure of speaking to a man who served on a DE in the Atlantic during WWII. Like RA, I was somewhat in awe, but spoke for a good 20 minutes or so. His DE was one that actually captured a Uboot. It was truly fascinating.
Arranging a photo-share get-together with my biker buddy - we're going to copy my entire collection of my own motorcycle photographs, dating back to 1993, from my portable hard disc to his pc this week.
It might last a few hours, there's at least a couple of thousand digital or digitized photos for each year!
And yes, we're both mad about motorcycles.
Damn I'm looking forward to this, there's a lot of good memories stored on that hd.
Been waiting on a $25 Cabelas Gift Card from my Health Insurance Provider to thank me for my patience in resolving some on-going problems with my account. Finally got it today and it was actually for $50!!! Woohoo, shopping trip to the Cabelas Outdoor Store up the road from me this weekend.
Too many (5) airshows in the next month starting tommorrow with Russell Group which is small overlooked and unique airshow nut they don't advertise that anout 10 miles away
Hopefully they have the Lanc with Russell Birds again and for the first timein 10 years I get weekends off istead of having to change shifts
I received a total surprise parcel from a woman I've only forum-chatted with online:
5 rolls of multi-colored sock-yarn, 3 nice cards w. dogs and a book: Anne McCaffrey: To Ride Pegasus.
And that parcel arrived on a totally stupid day: Diarrhea, bad mood, tired, grumpy, put short: Ew!
I haven't done or said anything to make her send that gift, she just thought that it was a long time ago that she had heard anything from me online, so she thought I might need a little cheering up. Spot on, Cita!
Man, I was moved - and very, very grateful that she would think of me and even send me all that in that parcel!
I promptly called her to thank her (- I had her phone number 'coz she had helped me by teaching me to knit socks recently), and we had a really nice chat which cheered me up even more, so all in all a very stupid day ended up being totally nice, despite my stupid stomach.
THings may be looking up for me with my domicile problem.

My landlord wants to raise rent about 100%. So I've been looking to buy. Not possible with my credit (checked 4 mortgage companies). So I have to rent. Still.

Yesterday found a 2bdrm place in a little town that my pre-wife loves. Rent is actually cheaper than what I'm paying now, it has a yard and is 1/2 block from the main street in town which is like a little - ummmmm - well, my pre-wife calls it "Gilmore Girl Land" (if anybody has seen that show). Its fantastic. And the landlord is willing to do a Lease to purchase! Things may be getting better.

And the best part. Its literally 500 feet from my favorite hobby shop!!!

Gonna check the insides on Wednesday and talk about particulars.

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