What Cheered You Up Today?

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warching women fight, there was a sale on beef at this store $.99 a pond or $2.20 a kg for lean ground beef and the women were whacking each other with purses and pushing and shoving it was great entertainment
$0.99/lb for ground beef causes folks the beat the crap out of each other? What is the normal price north of the border, Pb. Dang!

I'm officially on holiday until Fri 21 Aug. My boys are going with Grampa (Papa) tomorrow morn and my wife and I are going to have a romantic dinner Tues night. Oversize New York strips, baked potato with all the fixin's, spinach salad with homemade buttermilk-blue cheese dressing and some lovely Merlot. I'm freaking pumped.

All you Younglings will laugh, but your time is coming too. Just you wait.
I'm tired of hearing about Farve. Reporters that keep bringing it up just to up thier ratings need to go get themselves a big steaming cup of shut the F#$% Up!!!
Sorry, haven't had my Prozac this morning
it was xtra lean which is usually 1.65 as opposed to a $1. for reg gnd beef there were NY plates in the parking lot since this place attracts many US Shoppers
Ten minutes ago, the Battle of Britain Memorial Flight Lancaster and one each, Spitfire and Hurricane flew over my office at work (Boscombe Down). Lovely noise and sight to see with the clouds against a blue sky.

Was hoping they'd do a circuit but it was only fly-over en-route, and we only got three minutes notice from the Station Tannoy before they hove into view.

You will be pleased to know that Boscombe Down is now back on an even keel after everyone returned to their work places and not the side of the pan !!!
Taking an evening walk on the old airfield out here to ease things up a bit, migraine-wise.
It worked, I had a nice walk with my camera as my ever-ready comrade.
Got a beautiful view of a very nice sunset, and enjoyed walking through the tiny forest, inhaling fresh air and the smell of wood and leaves - yum!
Also enjoyed one of the - possibly - few last good days of summer, as leaves already has started turning yellow on some trees out here, and the bushes has started carrying ripe berries and fruits of all kinds.
Unfortunately, the little yellow cherries wasn't quite ripe yet, but things did look a lot better after a quiet walk tonight.
Only tiny minus - I wish I had a dog I could walk every day.

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