Boscombe Down Harvard 1/48th scale.

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Thanks Tony, that will come in handy, as I fancy doing another kit sometime, either depicting KF183 when first received, or another MkIIB of immediate post war vintage, in the 'silver' with yellow 'trainer' bands.
OK, the black areas have been masked, the fire extinguisher emblem hand painted and the fuel filler caps painted. Some light panel work has been completed, referring to photos of the original, using a pencil and some of the base yellow darkened slightly.
The first clear gloss coat has been sprayed overall, using 'Future'.
I'll let this harden for around 12 hours, before inspecting the model to see if it needs another coat, or touch up, then think about the decals. The roundels and fin flashes will be sourced from the spare decals files, with the stencils etc coming from the kit decal sheet. The decals for the serial numbers, and the '3' on the wheel hub covers, will be made on the PC and printed onto clear decal sheet.
Thanks again for looking, and I might get some more done tomorrow, other jobs permitting.


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Ahoy Airframes
Wowwwww she looks pretty, Cant waite to see the finished product your doing a great job on the Harvard that future is great stuff I used it for years it still glissins on my old builds. A HARDY WELL DONE.

Thanks very much David and Boats. I'm a bit stiff today, so might not get any more done tonight. Maybe a pint or a 'T Stoff' will ease things .....
Just about to go and have just that Andy - I hurt like **** !
Anyway, another clear coat has been applied, the masking removed, and the white panels at the rear of the anti-slip wing walkways painted, along with the cockpit entry steps. Here's what it looks like so far. The (empty) cowling is just push-fitted for the pics.
All being well, I hope to make, fit and paint the extended exhaust tomorrow, if my bl**dy hands and arms aren't so stiff !


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Great job Terry. After viewing your posts I considered taking a Flak hammer to mine, but persevere I shall. Curious if you are going to add control cables to the rudder and how you would go about doing it. Just purchased a pin vice recently and am wondering if that's the way to go. Again, very nice job!

Thanks Geo. I've looked closely at pics of this actual aircraft, and can't see any control cables/rods to the rudder. The control horns are prominent, but appear to be external 'hinges'. However, if, at a later date, I determine that there are cables/rods, then these can easily be added, using stretched sprue and a small drill.
Thanks very much chaps.
From what I remember (from nearly 30 years ago!) of my pre-flight of a Harvard, there were no external rudder cables, the controls being internal (rod and pulley?), similar to the P51 system.
Thanks chaps, and thanks very much Gary for the parts diagrams - very useful, and confirmed my thoughts re bell cranks on the rudder etc.
I'm currently working on making the decals, and maybe Gary or Tony can help with the following.
Before QinetiQ took over from A&AEE, the badge on the nose of the Harvard (and on the other two when they were in service) seems to have changed over the years. Those pics I have where the badge is visible, appear to show a crest, but I can't determine if this is the ETPS crest, the A&AEE full crest (Coat of Arms), the RAF-style A&AEE crest badge, or the Boscombe down crest !
I suspect that what I'm seeing is either the A&AEE full crest, or the ETPS crest. Any help will be appreciated !
(I can post pics of the above badges/crests if needed.)
Ah, thanks Tony. It'll be pre-QinetiQ, around about the mid 1980s, when the larger 'blade' antenna was present on the rear fuselage spine.
This is the crest I believe was displayed at that time.
EDIT: One more thing you can possibly help with Tony; on the white panel at the trailing edge of each anti-slip wing walk, there is a marking, which I think is a black silhouette of a footprint, indicating 'Step'. Is this correct?


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