DONE: SBD-3 Dauntless "White 5", Swede Vejtasa, USS Yorktown CV-5, 1942, Group Build

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Temporary hold for the interior splashing of colours....all is green and dandy. But, what other colours are there on the cockpit instruments etc.? Even though that I have the Dauntless walkaround, it doesn't help with everything.... :(

Anyone have any good side pics of the SBD-3 cockpit...?

Have peaked through the door at the Njaco camp (don't tell Chris though) and the SBD-2 there, but not knowing what's different between the -2 and the -3.....!
Bugger!! The only difference was, according to Jane's, was addition of self-sealing fuel tanks, two .30 cal. in the rear gunner and more armour protection as opposed to the -2. The cockpit pics on my thread should do fine but check the thread I started in Aviation on the SBD-2 - I put a link to it from my GB thread. But Jan, check out my build when you get to the wings. I found a glaring problem and since we both are doing the same plane from the same manufacturer, you might have the same problem.
Some pics lads....






cockpit pix


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Riiiight... Have done some grafting today, adding the interior and touching up the paint of the same. Pics later today (I hope).
That night, all night, the destroyers chased Japs subs. On the decks of the destroyers, underneath the stars, were piled dead and wounded bodies. Survivors of the Yorktown watched the hulk of their ship still floating through the night. Perhaps she could still be saved?
But at dawn, salvage was seen to be impossible. The ship had a terrible list to port.
Said Captain Buckmaster, "Her flightdeck was in the water, Her battle flags were still flying. We hadn't taken them down."
At 6.30 a.m. all hands on the patrolling destroyers were called on deck.
"Come on topside," somebody said to Chief Wright, "and see your ship go down." Gradually the Yorktown was settling. There was no comotion, no fire. Nobody said anything. She was going stern first.
Taps sounded out across the water from all the destroyers.
Sailors, lining the rails, raised their hands in salute.
At 7.01 a.m. the Yorktown sank. It was June 7, six months to the hour after the first shot at Pearl Harbor.


From Life magazine, November 16th, 1942....

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