****DONE: 1/48 B-24D Liberator 'Fightin' Sam' Heavy Hitters Group Build

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Downside is the bird has to be big.. these stands were made for cars and tanks.. Tamiya should hit the drawing board and sell us some quality aircraft ones, 1/72 to 1/32!
Nah! Just have a look at how it works, copy the basic idea, and custom make one from timber and adjustable bolts/wingnuts etc, to hold any shape/scale you want!
Anyway, that rear turret. No need to make a fake frame - the rear, and bottom sides, were metal. Here's a pic of the B24 at Duxford. If you need any more detail shots, of this bird or others, just shout.


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I'm talking about the top of the turret.. where that bloody seam makes its hay day. Some shots up there would be nice
I might have a shot looking up into the turret top - leave it with me. But whatever, I'm fairly sure the seam is where the metal back of the turret joins the Perspex 'dome'.
Just a look at it. Still need to sand some spots here and there.


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I've had a look at all of the pics I have of the Ford rear turret Mags, and although I thought one showed the joint of metal and perspex, I was wrong! However, the metal back and sides are more or less where the joints of the mouldings are, maybe a little further to the forward part (towards the front of the aircraft). So I'd paint the rear of the joint and leave the rest clear. The sides can be checked against the photo I posted.

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