How do you do That?????????????????
Bill, I'll send you an email explaining how.
Once again, thank you gentlemen and after an intensive day at the workbench, one scratch built bulkhead completed with the exception of a little paint. As you can see I've used a number of bits and bobs that have come to hand, bits from old printed circuit boards, varying sizes of electric wire or just the outer casing and of course, plenty of Evergreen and odds from the spares box. In all I think I've spent about 10 hours working on it over several days. Hopefully some of it will be visible through the cockpit.
Before venturing onto improving the kit bulkheads, I decided to attack one of the hatches that I would like opened. Follows the step by step process I employed and I didn't need to drill any holes Terry, but again thanks again for the guidance.
Some of the initial tools employed.
The two small saws being used. As you can see both have fine teeth on the concave and one has a deeper concave than the other. The shallow one also has a few teeth curving round the narrow end, this helps to cut gently into the plastic. The other is better for cutting into corners once one has cut through the plastic.
The first cut through as seen from outside and inside. Note the Tamiya masking covering the teeth at the back end of the saw, this prevents you from making unwanted saw marks where you don't want them and I use Tamiya as normal masking leaves a sticky film after removal. The third picture shows the deeper concave saw cutting into the corner.
The cuts in progress, the first two along the top and on one side and then all the cuts in straight lines.
A couple of the tools being used to cut out the round corners and the scoring of the corners.
Here we have it, one rough cut hatch cover and the cleaned up hatch.
Next up I think I will attack the anchor, need to know I have one before I open up that hatch.