Thanks Kevin.
Nearing the time for painting with addition of the last few detail parts.
The He-219 had a wing heating system and there were small exhaust openings for the rear heater located near the tail section that Tamiya omitted. The pic below shows the drilled out opening I made with a small drill slanted to the surface.
The trim tab actuators were finished off. The one on the elevator, mentioned before, was cut and the actuator rod was added from sprue. The one on the rudder, which was not molded on the kit, had to be scratch built.
The overall model has now received a coat of primer to catch any last minute repairs, and there were a few that I didn't see.
Here's the cowl detail which I forgot to fill. The horizontal panel line is actually a seam that should not be there. The engine access panels were L-shaped so the sloped line should meet the vertical one and there should be no other panel lines around the junction of these two. I'll post a pic later when this is finshed off.
As I said before, the fit at the wing roots couldn't be better. The pic below shows this area with primer on. This is a simple glued joint with no filler, filing or sanding. Outstanding job here from Tamiya!
I hope to get a fair amount done this weekend, including the dreaded squiggles. Thanks for looking in.