**** DONE: 1/48 Tamiya Heinkel He-219 WNr 290123 of 1/NJG 1 Nightfighter GB

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Thanks guys. No more work now til Monday. I'm off tomorrow to go skiing for 3 days in BC and will be out of touch unitl Sunday night.

It's going to be tight for time to finish this kit but I have all day Monday to work on it so we'll see how it goes. See you when I get back.
Thanks for the good wishes guys. Skiing was great!

Back to work on the model now finishing off the painting. First pic below shows the flaps. Pure conjecture here assumes that the surfaces that nestled in the wings were bare aluminum so I masked the camo and sprayed some aluminum paint on these faces. Once dry, I polished the aluminum paint with a fine grit sanding stick to shine it up a bit.

Next, the fuselage crosses had a very deep black in them that did not match the faded black that I sprayed on the fuselage. As these crosses were the white outlined ones only, I decided to mask the white sections after removing the tack on the tape and then spraying a bit of the left-over fuselage paint on them. The second pic shows the tape removed after the new colour had set.

Next we have a detail shot of the rear fuselage to show a couple of things. First off, close inspection of the photo of the actual aircraft (below) shows that the place where the aircraft code "T" was painted had a dark patch of black applied, probably to paint out an older aircraft code number.

I therefore applied a patch of pure flat black at this location (at left on the picture of the model below). While I was at it, I sprayed some random blotches of the flat black around the panel lines to get a bit more of a weathered look on the fuselage and rudder. Also seen in this photo are the aluminum painted panels on the leading edge of one fin and at the wing heater exhaust which were also evident on the above photo of the real aircraft. I started to sand the aluminum areas but figured I needed to wait anyway until the Future and flat coat were on.

The underside also received a patchy look using the flat black I had in the airbrush at the time:

Finally, the entire model received a coat of Future in preparation for the decals.

That's how it stands as we speak. In the meantime, I trimmed the SN-2 antennae from the sprues (thankfully they didn't break) and began cleaning these up for painting. Thanks for looking in.

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