Fw 190D-9 "Red1" of JV44 Lt. Heino Sachsenberg....

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Thanks alot fellas.... Not as precise as Waynes, or the other pros, but far more detailed a cockpit than Ive ever done before....

Cockpit installed into fuselage...


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:lol: Dan, do you know there is a modeller's saying in Poland ?The translation into English is something like this : "A clever man never tells anything and the foolish one will never put two and two together".Your cockpit looks really great and you can be really proud of it.:D
Fantastic job there Dan! You can be proud of yourself!

Thanks too for the rear engine detail shots, I'll use that info when I scratchbuild the rear of the Jumos in my own D-9s and D-11 (1/72 in my case).
There is a limit of course due to the scale, but with "a bit" of time and patience, it can be done...
In saying that, I'm hardly a professional, like some of the guys, but I do the best I can according to my ability...
OK, some progress pics.... All that detail in the wheelbay gets covered up in the end....

How freakin sad, just like the cockpit... Atleast I know the detailing is there hehe...


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Dan, you've excelled yourself mate - that weathering and highlighting is absolutely fantastic !!!
You just get better in leaps and bounds ! Full credit to ya!
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