H.P. Halifax B.MkIII Dedication.

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Now that you've all finished doing Biggles and Algy impersonations, all I can say is, thanks very much indeed chaps, awfully nice of you all, and all that, what!
Had a great day out at Valley (will post some pics elsewhere), and now hoping to get 'stuck in' on the model over the weekend - pics soon.
There's not much to show for a weekend's work, but the model is now ready for painting. All the joints have been sanded again and, where required, smoothed over with 'Superglue', and any sink holes or gaps have also been filled with this, and then sanded back. In order to check the joints, and see what the sanded surface detail looks like now, the upper surfaces were brush-painted with a coat of Humbrol matt Khaki, which will also act as a primer and base coat for the Dark Earth, which will be sprayed on once the model has been masked where required. This will allow the slightly lighter colour to be built up, giving a slightly weathered look, although as this aircraft was relatively new, care will be taken not to overdo the worn look.
Unfortunately, my Humbrol Dark Earth has once again dried in the tin, and I'm unable to pick up a new tin until Wednesday or Thursday, therefore I'll start work on the sub-assemblies such as the main wheels and props, and also make a master from which to mould the SBCs - all fourteen of them!
I'd considered making these by moulding them in resin, but this will prove a relatively expensive way of doing things, considering the cost of the resin, hardener and mould materials. Consequently I intend to mould these as I would clear canopies, by heat moulding with a male/female mould, but using plastic card instead of clear sheet. This should allow me to produce the outer container shape fairly easily and consistently (I hope!), without having to make a fully detailed master, and a two-part silicone mould. The majority of the finished containers will be placed on bomb trollies in the diorama, so the underside detail and the incendiaries themselves will not be seen. Those few which will be in the bomb bays, or posed being winched into position, can be individually detailed as required, and I'll cover this when I reach that stage.
If all goes to plan, I hope to have the basic model painted, decals applied and finishing coats on by the end of this week, or over the weekend, and then fit the canopy, nose glazing and turrets, and the main gear struts and wheels. Once this stage has been reached, work will commence on the diorama base itself, building the model into the surroundings as items are added, and fitting the fine details such as antenna and antenna wires, but again, this will be covered in detail once that stage is reached.
Meanwhile, here's how the model looks to date, and thanks again for your continued interest and kind words.


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    Halifax build 259.jpg
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    Halifax build 260.jpg
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Can't believe I've missed this thread until now Terry. Just spent the last hour going through it and am very impressed! Wonderful step by step on how to turn this old kit into a masterpiece. I have the same kit on the shelf above my modeling bench along with the Sterling and Lancaster for the last 10 years waiting to be built. Might just have to pull it out now.
Thanks very much chaps. Andy, two reasons why the primer was brushed on:-
1) I wanted a quick, but relatively thick coat, to smooth out those areas that had been filled, and some very slight seam depressions which weren't filled.
2) I just couldn't be bothered getting out the compressor, airbrush, mixing paint, then cleaning everything, just for a quick 'check coat' !
I'm actually torn between brush-painting or airbrushing the model, but will probably end up doing the latter.
Thanks Matt. I should get back to the Halifax, and the accessories for the diorama, on Wednesday, when I've re-stocked on some needed materials. Meanwhile, I'm trying to finish the Tornado for the GB.
It's been a while since I popped in here Terry and I have to say, you're doing good mate, makes me want to nip out and buy one.
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