H.P. Halifax B.MkIII Dedication.

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Looking very good Terry. However the RAF Green looks a little bit too dark and greyish. But it might be the matter of light.
Looks nice Terry and as for the dark green, on my monitor it's got a bluish tinge so one can never tell looking on a computer.

As for Humbrol paints, I'm slowly converting to Model Master with some Vallejo in reserve.
Thanks Wojtek and Vic.
On my monitor, the green looks fairly close to how it actually is. It's a touch darker than what Humbrol No.30 Dark Green should look like, but not much darker, and once it's clear coated, then matt coated, it tends to look acceptable. The current Humbrol No.30 (matt) paint looks far to bright and 'green' for RAF Dark Green, and even looks a different shade to the colour on the tin lid ! It was so 'bright', it made the Dark Earth look like a really dark brown!
Thanks very much indeed chaps! The model has now had a couple or three coats of clear gloss, which has improved the uneven appearance of the green, although I'm still not 100% happy with it. But, unless I rub down the whole lot, and start all over again, there's not much more I can do about it. I think (and hope!) that once a little bit of weathering has been added, followed by the clear matt coat, it should look a lot better, and of course, I might be being a little too self-critical.
I can't move the model to photograph it until the gloss has dried, but I should be able to post some pics sometime tomorrow, when at least some of the decals should be in place.
Thanks very much again for the kind words, and I'm pleased you're enjoying the progress of this project. Now I'm off to compose a list of paints I need to replace with a better brand - I'm sick of Humbrol's increasingly poor quality which, in this case, came very close to ruining over 90 hours of work!
Thanks Hugh and Glenn, and I'm sure you're right Glenn. I've heard nothing but good reports about MM paints, so once I've got enough spare cash, and made a full list, I think I'll be ordering two of each of the basic colours and those others I use regularly. I normally have around 40 to 45 different tinlets in stock at any one time, and, apart from the cr@p paint from what used to be Humbrol, it's getting even more expensive, as certain colours 'go off' in the tin very quickly, once opened.
Spraying is also a hit and miss affair these days, as the thinning ratio never seems to be the same each time the bl**dy stuff is used !
Anyway, I couldn't resist doing a bit more, and I've now reached the 100 hour point, and got the first decals on!
After three sessions over the last 24 hours, totalling 13 hours, I'm now knackered and ready for some kip - but I'm also pleased and relieved that things now seem to be going well, and I'm making some positive progress.
Here's what the model looks like so far, and I should be able to post another up-date and explanation hopefully some time tomorrow, which is now today!


  • Halifax build 269.jpg
    Halifax build 269.jpg
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Looks fantastic Terry! Mike will be very pleased I think.

I think I saw at one time that one could get theme sets of MM paints like RAF day scheme, LW 74/75/76, etc. Check around as this might be cheaper than buying individual colours. There is only one thing I discovered about MM paints that I could pass on from experience and that is this: if you're in the habit of shaking your paint bottle before removing the lid, well, DON'T! The seal in the lid of the bottle is some crappy paper that, if it gets paint on it, sticks to the glass when you replace the lid. After a few cycles of opening and closing a bottle, this paper seal delaminates and you get a poor seal, allowing air to enter the bottle and the solvent to evaporate, resulting in the paint thickening. Best to keep the lid clean and paint free when it is replaced.
Great work Terry, looking sweet now!

Same problem here with the MM, Pactra and Aeromaster paints I've used -I'm not a fan of those stupid cardboard seals.
Thanks very much chaps, it's appreciated. And thanks for the warning re the paint bottles, Andy and Evan.
I might actually divide the 'new' paint stock between Xtracolour (which really are excellent) and MM. The Xtracolour 'service' paints (i.e., RAF, USAAF, Luftwadffe colours etc) are in tins, like Humbrol, and are gloss, eliminating the need for a gloss coat, although this means a matt clear coat needs to be applied before some types of weathering can be done effectively. The 'non specialised', general paints, can be from MM, with maybe the odd bottle of matt military paint for high use colours.
I got an e-mail from Mike this morning, have sent him the pic showing the first decals in place, and I think he's pleased!
A slight confusion has arisen, although nothing serious. Mike found evidence to reveal that only a total of 11 'Ops' had been flown by LK789, rather than the final Op being the 12th. I therefore applied only 10 bomb symbols on the nose. But in this mornings message, it was revealed there had been an error, and there actually had been 12 Ops after all, the final one being when the aircraft was shot down.(Obviously, the mission symbol for this final sortie would not have been painted on the nose).
I'm just waiting to hear from Mike whether he would like me to change the bomb log, or leave it as it is. Meanwhile, I'm about to continue with the remainder of the decals, and have made the decasl of the decal serial numbers (if that makes sense?!), and hope to also get the matt clear coat sprayed tonight, then start some detail work on the exhausts, landing gear and wheels etc.
Thanks again for your continued interest and kind words, and I'll post another up-date very soon.

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