Caproni Ca 311 Heavy Hitters Group Build

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Hey Dwight is the girl about to slip into that pok-a-dot dress yet?Cheers Kevin
Thanks Terry, David, Wayne and Kevin. :)

Hey Dwight is the girl about to slip into that pok-a-dot dress yet?Cheers Kevin

Well she's a bit of an exhibitionist - loves to prance around in her knickers, but I finally got her dress partyway on. :lol:

Pic 1 - port wing finished
Pic 2 - both wings done
Pic 3 - rudder and lower rear fuselage finished. The rudder is a bit sparse but I decided to slightly underspray it just in case the white tail markings are a bit on the transparent side. I limited the size of some of the rudder mottlling just for that very reason. In fact, you can almost see exactly where the white tail cross will fit in on the rudder. :)

I'm really happy with the way it's turning out so far. :)

Next step is to glue the rear flaps in place. Then add the camo to them and the rest of the fuselage. :)
Should have it done either later today or tomorrow.


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Thanks Terry, Harrison, Evan, Kevin, David, Wayne, Andy, Dan and Peter. :)

Working on getting the rest of the camo on today. Had to recut a couple of masks yesterday and got sidetracked on some houser stuff - NOT what I had planned on with time running short.
Thanks Jan. :)

Camo is all finished. Here she is with her dress totally on. :) (All the masking is off except on the side and underneath windows and the canopys off course). The front upper canopy is simply loosely dry fitted (the tape protecting the interior is still in place) as are the engines and engine exhausts.


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