Would look cool! You can always do the diorama later, so check to see where else weight can be added if you're going to have the nose open. You'll need to find the CG (balance point) before you do things like fit the engines and nose. Balance the model by the wing tips on your finger tips, and see how much it drops, whichever way. Then, temporarily stick some weight - plasticine, lead taped in place, whatever, on places like the cowling areas, or the front of the booms, ahead of where the main landing gear locates. It might be possible to add some under the cockpit floor for instance. This might give you an idea of how much weight will be required, and where it can go.
As I mentioned, it might be possible, depending on balance, to add weight behind the engines, in the booms or engine nacelles. Only experimentation will tell. All part of the 'fun' of modelling!
Good luck!