DONE: 1/48 Revell P-61 Black Widow of Maj. Carrol C. "Snuffy" Smith Group Build

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Thanks Wayne, I must be getting better because all I used to get was smiley faces but now you have added words!
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Finished the radio gear in the front nose. Also did some more seam work, and a dry fit of the nose.. I think im going to glue it in place and then putty those gaps and make it a since uniform look. Still need to get some weight too, with the radio gear it doesnt allow much room put I will find a way!


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True true, its logical. But I thought for a GB it wouldnt make sense to skip a step in my build. I might leave it non-glued and try to make it blend in, many possibilities!
Ok, I did the wings and flaps. Lots of misfits and such, so I did a quick gap filling glue around each wing with a toothpick and will let dry then sand, if the gaps / seam are still there I will use putty and sand it out. Not pic worthy but, its going!
If you can check the CG before you attach the engines, you might be able to put some weight in the nacelles. If they're far enough forward of the main gear, it should work. I did that on my B26, as it needed a heck of a lot of weight to keep the nose down.
No need terry, Im buying a special cast nose weight from some ugy in the states for like $2. It will slide into the nose at perfect shape but I cant have the radio gear there, doesnt matter aslong as it doesnt sit!
Stuff that nose with weight, better to get the sit right than worry about gear inside that you are not going to did good on the nose detail but if it's gotta go it's gotta go.....

.....some more smiley faces now........
I'm with Wayne on that one! If you were doing a diorama with guys working on the radar in the nose, then fair enough, display it, as you could then glue the model to the base! As for nose weights, I got myself a chunk of lead sheet, used as roof flashing. You'll probably get an off-cut from a builder's merchants or hardware store for very little cost, or maybe free, and it should last ages. Just cut-off pieces as you need it, roll up, and hold in place with Plasticine or similar (kid's modelling 'clay').
Cool, Shep Paine did a dio with the open nose and other amazing things he can do. The kit did come with a barrel and 3 figures, dont know the game plan with them yet. A diorama with palm trees and some sand would be nice...
Would look cool! You can always do the diorama later, so check to see where else weight can be added if you're going to have the nose open. You'll need to find the CG (balance point) before you do things like fit the engines and nose. Balance the model by the wing tips on your finger tips, and see how much it drops, whichever way. Then, temporarily stick some weight - plasticine, lead taped in place, whatever, on places like the cowling areas, or the front of the booms, ahead of where the main landing gear locates. It might be possible to add some under the cockpit floor for instance. This might give you an idea of how much weight will be required, and where it can go.
As I mentioned, it might be possible, depending on balance, to add weight behind the engines, in the booms or engine nacelles. Only experimentation will tell. All part of the 'fun' of modelling!
Good luck!
Ok, got the wings glued on.. did many hours of putty and sanding to the wing halves because well.. they didnt fit and such. The close-up on the fuselage has my gap filler glue and I will sand that out gently as rivets surround it. Decided to do the flaps down on this bird and I like it. The white is dried CA glue, the paint will cover that easy.. waiting on my Tamiya Primer to come in the mail. Next is the boons,

Oh yeah, can someone explain what is what in my engine instruction.. Ive never had this much detail and dont know what is supposed to be colored what as I dont know a dime bout engines!


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