Got some more done, as I want to knock this one on the head and get on with other things which have fallen behind.
The first stage of the AEAF stripes has been completed. The required areas were roughly masked at the edges, more to provide a line to work to, and a coat of matt white applied roughly, deliberately using an old, stiff, flat-tipped brush. This has given the desired streaky and patchy appearance, and a further, thinner coat will be applied just to smooth things out and give it some semblance of a job which was at least attempted properly in the field.
Once the white has fully hardened, the black stripes will be added, again freehand and by brush, following pencilled lines to mark the scale 18 inch width.
Whilst waiting for the first coat of white to dry, attention was given to the canopy. As with the Tamiya kit, two canopies are provided, the original, side-opening framed canopy, and the blown 'Malcolm' hood, although both are in the closed position only.
A quck test showed that the 'Malcolm' hood as provided will not fit over the fuselage spine in the open position, so I had a choice of either trying to thin-down the kit canopy, after separating it from the windscreen, or using one from the spares box. I chose the latter, as I've had a separate 'Malcolm' hood sitting around for about thirty years, left over from the old Monogram kit. This one does fit in the open position, and only needs a little enhancement, in the form of the lower frame and runners, and a bit of a polish.
The windscreen was carefully cut from the kit canopy, using a razor saw, and the edges cleaned up, before masking ready for painting.
PIC 1 Shows the first coat of white for the stripes on wings and fuselage. I'm afraid I had to use flash for this shot, which has 'washed out' the PRU Blue, making it look grey.
PIC 2. The kit canopy and windscreen is on the left, with the old Monogram 'Malcolm' hood on the right.
PICS 3 and 4 Show the windscreen separated, and masked, ready for painting.
I hope to have a further update and pics tomorrow. thanks once again to all. Cheers, T.