***** DONE -Nakajima A6M2-N "Rufe" of the Yokohama Kokutai Group Build

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Sorry nothing has happened to the Rufe for the past three days. We have been out of town.

I'll try to get back into the swing of things today. BTW, if anyone has a head on view of a
Zero or a Rufe, I'd appreciate seeing it. I have to carve a three bladed prop.

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I think I might have some detail shots of the nose, engine and prop Charles, believe it or not, with my zero knowledge of Japanese types! Leave it with me over the weekend, it's now added to my list of things to find and post!
Here you are Charles.....it was the Hamilton Standard propeller of 3.05m in diameter.


  • Zero prop.jpg
    Zero prop.jpg
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THX Terry.:)

As far as the engine cowling paint is concerned, it was painted black matt (Nakajima factory ) or black matt with violet tonality for aircraft that were assembled by Mitsubishi factory only. The prop blades were painted silver with black matt for rear surfaces of them.
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this is what i've got Charles, i can send you the full size picture if you wish ?
source "Aero detail no 7 Mitsubishi A6m"

i've now added the zipped full size picture as Wojtec suggested, you'll need winrar to open it though!
if you cant open it let me know and i'll e-mail it to you


  • Project1b.jpg
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  • Project1.rar
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Nice stuff Karl. I think these can come in handy for Charles. If you want you can make a Zip file of the full size picture and attach it to your post.In that's way the full pic won't be displayed but can be downloaded.
Thanks to all you guys for the info on the Japanese Propellers. I didn't know they were two color ! Now to find out
the color of the brown for the inside. Bought a 6/4 [dia/pitch] three bladed prop and will have to carve a prop like
I did for the FW-190.

Thanks to all you guys for the info on the Japanese Propellers. I didn't know they were two color ! Now to find out
the color of the brown for the inside. Bought a 6/4 [dia/pitch] three bladed prop and will have to carve a prop like
I did for the FW-190.


Never thought of that Charles,like that idea.Kevin
A slight correction Wojtek...

here is a reference to the prop blade colours....Reisen Propeller Colors! *PICS*

...and Nakajima Cowls were a Grey tinged Black, while Mitsubishi was a Blue tinged Black.

The one prop blade is not a rule.Taking all Japanese problems also with paints into consideration it can be said that all is possible
Don't know if these will be relevant or of use Charles, as my knowledge of Japanese aircraft is very weak.
These are both from the same source as those posted by Karl.
The Brown prop is on the A6M3, and the Silver prop is on the A6M5A, both of which sound like British Motorways to me!
OOPS! This numpty forgot to re-size the pics! Back in a bit with a new post! Sorry!
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Back to the Wayne's info and post about the prop blade painted brown for the inside.I have found info that these prop blades were painted with the red-brown paint or the black one during all time of the war. So it seems that both black and brown painted prop blades were quite common.Untill the middle of 1944 prop blades on outer surfaces were of the polished aluminium colour.Untill 1943 at the top of each prop blade there were painted two thin red strips, but later the one only.
The brown painted propellers appeared in the middle of 1944.But at the same time there were propellers painted with green or black colours for outer surfaces as well .At the top of the prop blades there was the thin yellow one strip or whole tops were painted yellow.
And in addition , most of spinners were of dural (aluminium) colour or were painted with the brown, light grey, white, red or dark green paints.
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