Here's where we are this Saturday afternoon. The fuselage has been covered [pic's 1 2], and has been given one
coat of the clear dope/thinner 50/50 mix. A little light sanding and we do it twice more.
As for pic 3, I've always heard that the best way to cover a wing is with one piece of tissue, starting at the bottom
trailing edge, moving forward, up and around the leading edge, continueing to the upper trailing edge. The center
of the top will overlap, but hey..... that's inside the fuselage ! The wingtips can get a bit hairy, but I thought I would
try it. In all my years, I've never done it, or had the balls to try. Pic 3 shows the underside completed, and after about
five minutes to dry, up and over to the trailing edge. The wing is finished, and has been sprayed to tightenup the
tissue. More pic's tonight... To borrow a phrase.....
Rip it up !! [Thanks, ~ E]