****DONE: 1/48 PZL P.24G of the Royal Hellenic Air Force Group Build

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Lieutenant General
Apr 10, 2009
South Carolina

Category 2, 1/48th Mirage PZL P.24G flown with the Royal Hellenic Air Force . Spacifically aircraft# D102.

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I'm with all. Modelling definitely is educational - I had absolutely no idea that this type flew in the MTO area, let alone being operated by Greece! Should be an interesting build, nice one VB!
I echo all here.Looking forward to that build. I think these files can be useful for you....


  • PZL P-24 cockpit.zip
    1.9 MB · Views: 185
  • PZL P-24.zip
    2.7 MB · Views: 169
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You are welcome. Here you are a pic and a profile of the P-24F I have found somewhere in the net.


  • p24.jpg
    32.4 KB · Views: 384
  • p24_.jpg
    79.6 KB · Views: 370
Ok, I've come across something I have never dealt with before. My model came with photo etched brass for some of my pieces. Is there something special I need to do with them first such as priming the or something else before using them?

Thanks Fellas

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For gluing you have to use cyanoacrylate glues.It can be the Superglue.But I suggest the kind of glue offered as a gel.The glue gel needs a little bit much time for hardening so you can move or set a part correctly.
Also it is needed to wash the photoetched brass with a thinner for removing of dirt and fat.Of course it can be done if the brass hasn't been colourized yet by a manufacturer.
What is more the paint cote has to be as thin as possible because if you start to shape a paint and a primer can start breaking and peeling off.That's way it is better to shape and glue these small parts to those bigger ones before you start painting.
Good tips Wojtek, especially about the 'gel' glue. I've only used PE a very few times, and ended up with CA glue marks due to using liquid CA. I had to clean-up and start again.

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