No. 198 Squadron Hawker Typhoon Mk. 1B (1 Viewer)

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Hmm. Just checked Model Hobbies site - they've got two versions of the Academy P47D, and the 'N'. I might have been wrong about the 'M', but I'll have a look at the instructions/left-over parts from my Academy 'D', as I have a feeling the fin fillet might be included, on a common sprue for the 'N' version. If not, it really would be simple to add old boy - just a strip of plastic cut to shape, and a little filler to blend in.
Moving along at a gallop, nay….. me thinks a charge old chap, and a damned fine show to boot, kinda like the Gatsby stripes.

:hotsun: :hotsun:
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Damn!! just too many GB going on to keep up with.This is looking really sweet Jan and glad to see you back in the saddle :thumbleft: Cheers Kevin
Cheers Karl and Kevin, much obliged!

Dan, I started with coating the whole thing in light grey, then I sprayed the white, masked that off, did the camouflage, masked again for the black stripes and some of the camou....

Edit: Forgot to add that I've worked a bit on the D-day stripes, to make them look less 'perfect', painted the wells, cannons....a bit of weathering next.
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True! :lol:

Added the cannons, painted the wheels, landing gear, tail wheel, gear doors, exhausts. Was going to do the rockets etc. as well, but decided to call it....
Is this a speed build per chance?????????????????????

:hotsun: :hotsun:
Compared to the others, indeed old boy! Have a couple of more ideas for another "stripe" build....

Tage Ståhlenberg who flew with RAF 331st Sqn. Flew 127 missions before demobilized in 1945.

If he flew in and around the D-day, I have a Mk. IXb Spitfire, FN*?..... 8)
Plan to do some more today old boy. Have a Typhoon hovering above here, like some kind of vulture, don't want to upset the pilot! :lol: Could cause more damage than that I'd like....:oops: Rockets and rails....

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