No. 198 Squadron Hawker Typhoon Mk. 1B

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Hmm. Just checked Model Hobbies site - they've got two versions of the Academy P47D, and the 'N'. I might have been wrong about the 'M', but I'll have a look at the instructions/left-over parts from my Academy 'D', as I have a feeling the fin fillet might be included, on a common sprue for the 'N' version. If not, it really would be simple to add old boy - just a strip of plastic cut to shape, and a little filler to blend in.
Moving along at a gallop, nay….. me thinks a charge old chap, and a damned fine show to boot, kinda like the Gatsby stripes.

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Damn!! just too many GB going on to keep up with.This is looking really sweet Jan and glad to see you back in the saddle Cheers Kevin
Cheers Karl and Kevin, much obliged!

Dan, I started with coating the whole thing in light grey, then I sprayed the white, masked that off, did the camouflage, masked again for the black stripes and some of the camou....

Edit: Forgot to add that I've worked a bit on the D-day stripes, to make them look less 'perfect', painted the wells, cannons....a bit of weathering next.
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Added the cannons, painted the wheels, landing gear, tail wheel, gear doors, exhausts. Was going to do the rockets etc. as well, but decided to call it....
Compared to the others, indeed old boy! Have a couple of more ideas for another "stripe" build....

Tage Ståhlenberg who flew with RAF 331st Sqn. Flew 127 missions before demobilized in 1945.

If he flew in and around the D-day, I have a Mk. IXb Spitfire, FN*?..... 8)
Plan to do some more today old boy. Have a Typhoon hovering above here, like some kind of vulture, don't want to upset the pilot! Could cause more damage than that I'd like.... Rockets and rails....

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