****DONE: 1/48 B-24D Liberator 'Fightin' Sam' Heavy Hitters Group Build

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Nice work there Mags, coming along nicely. Each to their own, but for future reference, you'll find it much easier, and safer, to mount the guns and antennae etc after the model is built and painted - much less chance of damage, easier to mask, and no collection of paint around aerial mast bases etc. Have a look at the base of the starboard waist gun window too - there's a slight uneveness, possibly a smalll amount of flash, which could show up like a dog's dangly bits once painted.
Thanks terry.. luckily the guns snapped on and I didn't glue them so i'll take them back off. Ill check the window too..
Thanks boys.. dismounted the guns - thats about it. Need to get the fuselage together and get the wheel rolling. After that, its just hours of gap filling and all that jazz!
Well here she is now.. let me say, what a bad fit! As I put the halves together and rushed for the tape, it just wouldnt hold. So I had to use the CA early and fill it down the seam line top to bottom. Sanding to come, then probably another application of CA. Pic 2 shows where a lot of work will be done... oh the joys of big old kits!


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